Donate Tissue and Body to Science Myotonic Dystrophy

Many people have asked if they can help with myotonic dystrophy research. I recently became aware of a program where at death you can donate your body to science and they will use tissue samples etc. to further research into myotonic dystrophy. The researchers are always in need of tissue samples and some of these can only be obtained after death.

Although the death of a loved one is devastating the gift of life in research can live on and others can benefit from the donation that is made. Think about this and see if it fits your needs and desires. IF desired fill out the pages and leave with your will.

The Paul and Sheila Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy center in Minneaplois, MN is coordinating this. The hot lines to call are (612)626-0822 and (612) 899-5964

Please click here for the forms that are needed.