Dr. Eckstrom Doctoral Thesis on Childhood Myotonic Dystrophy

Here is a copy of Dr. Eckstrom Thesis on Childhood Myotonic Dystrophy. Its pretty comprehensive and a bit technical. Click below to open a PDF Copy. The thesis is almost 90 pages long and full of a lot of good information. Dr. Eckstrom is one of the leaders in the knowledge of childhood myotonic dystrophy and Autism

EckStrom Doctoral Thesis Childhood Myotonic Dystrophy



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Activities that Children like

Activities That Children Like

So what kind of things do kids with CMD like to do? I am basing this page on my son, Christopher. You may want to consider some of these activities for Children with CMyD.

picture of kid with mac


Computer games and video and movement in general seems to keep these kids interested. Christopher uses both a MAC and a PC computer. Early on he used an Edmark Touchscreen but later graduated to a mouse after he hit and damaged the touchscreen. He uses most software that has an age equivalent of about 3-8 years old with most of his skills in the 4 year old range. Some software:

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