No sign of Congenital Form of Myotonic Dystrophy in DM2

There have been a few questions on the blog about the congenital form of Myotonic Dystrophy and whether this occurs in DM2 patients as well as in DM1 patients. Toba in Canada is the resident expert on DM2 and runs the yahoo groups DM2 but I did find this older article from 2006 on this subject and am posting it here.

Outcome and effect of pregnancy in myotonic dystrophy type 2
10.1212/01.wnl.0000198227.91131.1e Neurology February 28, 2006 vol. 66 no. 4 579-580

  1. S. Rudnik-Schöneborn, MD, et. al Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Sabine Rudnik-Schöneborn, Institut für Humangenetik, RWTH Aachen, Pauwelsstr. 30, 52074 Aachen, Germany; e-mail:


The authors reviewed the obstetric histories of 42 women of 37 families with myotonic dystrophy type 2 (DM2). Nine women (21%) had the first symptoms during pregnancy and worsening in subsequent pregnancies. Of 96 pregnancies, 13% ended as early and 4% as late miscarriages. Preterm labor occurred in 50% of pregnancies resulting in 27% preterm deliveries in women with overt DM2 in pregnancy. There was no evidence of a congenital DM2.

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Fact sheet on Congential Myotonic Dystrophy English and Turkish

The Muscular Dystrophy Association in Australia is providing information on Congenital Myotonic Dystrophy in English and has recently translated this information into Turkish. Here is a link to both these brochures!

Congenital Myotonic Dystrophy Brochure

Congenital Myotonic Dystrophy Turkish

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Myotonic Dysrophy Affects over 10 Members of One family

Editors note: This is a great article from 2009. Please click on this link to read the article. If it is not available read the summary below:

How muscular dystrophy cruelly affected 10 of my close family, by MP Dave Anderson

By Dave Anderson, Mp For Blaydon, Tyne And Wear
UPDATED: 17:33 EST, 10 October 2009

Dave Anderson MPFight: Dave Anderson is calling for more resources

My brother Bill played an immense role in my life. For one thing, he gave me my love for music. In 1962 he was bringing home Marvin Gaye records while our friends were listening to The Bachelors. And we were there together, in July 1969, when the Rolling Stones took over Hyde Park in front of thousands.

He taught me to drive and he gave me my love of the outdoor life. He convinced me to go into mining and told me about an opportunity to gain an international scholarship – both of which put me where I am today.

When, in 2001, I was made vice-president of Unison, at that time the biggest union in the country – where I stayed until being elected as a Member of Parliament four years later – my wife organised a surprise party for me. We had a great time, but the joy was muted as Bill was no longer around to share my pride.

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SRT-149 Myotonic Dystrophy & Autism Drug Candidate

Good news today! Another company has launched a potential drug for myotonic dystrophy and by extension this may also treat the childhood forms of myotonic dystrophy. The childhood forms of myotonic dystrophy are highly associated with autism spectrum disorder, so it is hopeful that this new drug will have some effects on this as well as the cognitive effects in the adult forms of the disease. For the general autism population reversing the effect in the childhood forms of myotonic dystrophy. May help narrow the mechanism of action and suggest certain treatments in the future. The childhood form of myotonic dystrophy is one of the few single gene causes of autism. Because the drug will work through an RNA mechanism, it is  unlikely this drug will have a direct effect on the general autism population.

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Dr. Eckstrom Doctoral Thesis on Childhood Myotonic Dystrophy

Here is a copy of Dr. Eckstrom Thesis on Childhood Myotonic Dystrophy. Its pretty comprehensive and a bit technical. Click below to open a PDF Copy. The thesis is almost 90 pages long and full of a lot of good information. Dr. Eckstrom is one of the leaders in the knowledge of childhood myotonic dystrophy and Autism

EckStrom Doctoral Thesis Childhood Myotonic Dystrophy



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