Research Opportunity in Florida

You can assist researchers on a couple of issues in myotonic dystrophy. Read more about this ongoing study. (Posted in May 2019)

Studies of skeletal muscle and gastrointestinal dysfunction in myotonic dystrophy and controls


This study is designed to obtain data regarding 2 aspects of the phenotype in myotonic dystrophy (dystrophia myotonica or DM). These are multi-system diseases leading to symptoms in many regions of the body including skeletal muscles, central nervous system and the GI tract.

The aims of the study are two-fold: 1. to obtain physiological recordings of muscle contraction and motor unit activation in selected skeletal muscles to obtain possible outcome measures for future drug trials as well as understand the physiological underpinnings of motor dysfunction in these patients; 2. to study the role of the gut microbiome in relation to the gastro-intestinal dysfunction in DM patients.


  • Tasks to measure strength, fatigue, force and reaction time
  • Blood and stool samples 

For more details about study procedures, please contact Stephen Gullet:


  • Over the age of 18
  • Molecularly confirmed DM 1 or DM 2 (symptomatic subjects in whom diagnosis is based on DNA analysis in affected family members will also qualify)
  • Ambulatory with or without assistive devices
  • Competent and willing to provide informed consent and participate in study procedures

Additional criteria apply, for more information please contact Stephen Gullet:


18 to 65
65 and over



Can be done from home



Muscular dystrophyMuscular dystrophy – resources, Neurology

Principal Investigator

S.H. Subramony, MD



Contact Information


Researchers Narrowing Mechanism of Brain Problems in Myotonic Dystrophy

Many of us in the Myotonic Dystrophy World find that among the most significant factors affecting us are related to brain function. Depression, Lack of Motivation, Apathy, Indifference, and Loss of executive function makes living much less tolerable. In a nutshell these changes create Terrible problems socially and emotionally. Now researchers have identified the issue that they think causes the disease. The good news is that the mechanism for the brain looks like the mechanism for many of the other issues as well. It’s the same as for muscle and other tissues. So if a cure is found in the future it will not just help with heart and muscle it may help with the most devastating issues that of the Brain as well. At the Recent MDF conference in San Fransisco one potential therapy in early stages may work not only in muscle but if injected into the Spinal fluid might help with brain issues.

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